Wednesday, March 30, 2011

There are no major benefits of extra antioxidants from pills or special drinks. Get your nutrients from food instead!

Most people don’t need to soup up their diet with extra vitamins and antioxidant supplements. If you eat a well-balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits, veggies, and lean protein, you should be getting the nutrients you need.

Caveats to that are iron, vit. D and calcium, which many people don’t get enough of! Iron and folic acid supplements are recommended for women of childbearing age, endurance athletes and vegetarians. Fatigue is a symptom of low iron (anemia). 

Research has yet to show any benefits to high doses of antioxidants. A Cochrane Review that analyzed 67 studies on antioxidant supplements found they do not lower people’s risk of death or prevent disease. Supplement your diet with extra veggies instead : )

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