Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Prevent muscle and bone loss by eating your fruits and veggies! Plant foods help preserve bone and muscle.

Meat, potatoes and pasta — the typical American diet is protein and carb heavy! When we eat them, these foods produce small amounts of acid in the body. Over decades, this disrupts our pH levels, leading to an overly acidic environment. For optimal functioning and increased immunity, our bodies require slightly alkaline conditions and consistent hydration.

According to the USDA Nutrition Research Center at Tufts University, acidosis, this slight shift in pH, can trigger muscle wasting and bone loss as we age. Help combat deterioration by eating a diet bursting with fruits & veggies! Spinach, apples, citrus fruit, watermelon, asparagus, and grapes leave alkaline residue behind in digestion and help balance pH. Foods rich in potassium like apricots, avocado & brussel sprouts all help keep muscle loss at bay.

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