Monday, March 21, 2011

Reduce your cancer risk!

YOU can reduce your cancer risk. Be active by walking 150 minutes a week, drink < 1 glass of alcohol a day, and eat your fruit and veggies.

Think cancer is out of your control? Whether you get the disease may be partially determined by your genes, but for most people, it’s not etched in stone. Most cancer cases are caused by a combination of family history and lifestyle choices. In fact, according to the World Cancer Research Fund, 30 to 40 percent of cancers can be prevented. You can significantly lower your risk by following a few simple rules — many of which you already know.

Get 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week...jogging, walking, bicycling or playing sports with friends. Limit your alcohol intake to less than one serving a day. Women who drink any alcohol will want to consider a folic acid supplement to decrease the risk of breast cancer. People with a strong family history of cancer may want to avoid it altogether. Limit exposure to carcinogens like UV rays and first- or secondhand cigarette smoke. Eat the recommended amounts of fruit and vegetables every day — at least two and a half cups of produce!

An easy way to do this: Make a colorful salad for lunch. Include items that will make you look forward to it like turkey, avocado, walnuts, dried cranberries, apples and low-fat cheese.

1 comment:

  1. Reduce your risk of cancer by eating the right food. Take what's necessary for your health; check out Supplements Canada now.
