Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lycopene from tomatoes can help your skin stay sunburn-free!

Brown blotches that appear on your face may be called age spots, but they have LESS to do with how many years you’ve spent on this earth than the hours of sun damage you’ve acquired.

In addition to wearing sunscreen daily, CRANK UP your skin’s natural SPF by eating tomatoes and other lycopene-rich produce! Lycopene is an antioxidant found in red and pink produce, like watermelon, grapefruit, red peppers and tomatoes. A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that eating two and a half tablespoons of tomato sauce with a tablespoon of olive oil each day for 10 weeks reduced sunburns by 40%!

The BEST sources of lycopene are cooked tomato products like tomato soup, sauce, and tomato juice or V-8. Also, adding olive oil or other healthy fat, like avocado or nuts, helps the body absorb more of the nutrient!

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