Monday, June 6, 2011

Down in the dumps? When your spirits need a lift, get up and move!

According to research presented at the Psychological Society Conference, high-intensity workouts put a bigger grin on your face than less-strenuous ones can. This study found that 20 minutes of anaerobic activity — jumping rope, hill climbing — was better at boosting mood 20 minutes after exercise than moderate activity, like walking. Find activities that are enjoyable and challenging (raquetball, tennis, soccer, volleyball) , as working out counteracts stress hormones' effect on the body by improving insulin sensitivity. This leads to fat burning instead of fat storage!

Past research also shows that 30 minutes of walking three days a week helps combat mild depression. But if you’re in search of a quick burst of bliss, alternating your walk with running may help pull you out of the doldrums faster : )

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