Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tis the season for dieting. Instead, focus on eating more nutritious foods!

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight. Cardio machines at the SRSC are full, and students have visions of spring break on their minds! At any given time, 47% of U.S. adults are dieting. Unfortunately, 64% gain back more than they lost. The reason? Research shows that skipping meals makes weight loss harder.

Deprivation makes us crave foods and slows our metabolism. The best way to shed excess weight is to adopt healthful habits...eating healthier foods, avoiding high-fat snacks, limiting fast-food, and being active! Eating fruits/veggies, lean proteins, & whole-grains allows you to fill up at a fraction of the calories. And when you’re full, you’re less likely to feel deprived!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that we should focus on eating nutritious food. Avoid eating fatty food and high-calorie food to maintain your diet. Take the necessary vitamins such as Lorna Vanderhaeghe products.
