Monday, February 27, 2012

Enter the Healthy Plate Photo Submission Contest TODAY!! GET YOUR PLATE IN SHAPE and YOU COULD WIN!!!!

It's NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH, and IU has a contest for YOU!
Prizes to be awarded include:
$25 Campus Access funds
$25 SRSC gift card
FREE massage at IU Health Center ($33 value)
FREE SRSC fitness assessment ($35 value)

Using the new USDA "Choose My", fill a plate with
* 1/2 fruits & vegetables (non-starchy)
* 1/4 protein-rich food
* 1/4 healthy starchy food
* and include 1 calcium-rich food

Take a photo of your plate (w/smart-phone, ect.)! Post w/brief description of the meal to the IU Health and Wellness Education Facebook page at:

Contest runs (TODAY) Feb. 27 through March 9!!
Unlimited entries accepted!

Winners selected for:
most colorful plate
most seasonal plate
best description
and a random selection!

We want to see YOUR healthy plate : )

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Case for 23 a Day

Of all the things to love about almonds, this one should really get your heart pumping!

One handful a day may help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels...good news for everyone as cardiovascular disease holds its spot as the leading cause of death in the U.S.

They are cholesterol-free, gluten free, and low in saturated fat (the fat which clogs arteries), making them a delicious, easy to transport component for meals and snacks. Carry in zip-lock bags, toss on your salad , cereal, or in yogurt, fill your candy dish, throw in your pocket....or even put in a food-processor with some honey to make AWESOME almond butter.

Good news about good fat: U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend the majority of your fat intake be un-saturated. One serving (23 of them) has 13g of heart healthy unsaturated fat and only 1g of saturated. Almonds also help with promotion of satiety as they have 6 grams of protein per serving. :)