Friday, July 29, 2011

Healthy, Hydrating Foods! ..and Water with a Twist!

Don't let the heat get you down. Maintaining hydration is possible! Instead of guzzling regular tap water, make spa water! Fill a pitcher and add mint leaves, sliced strawberries, sliced cucumbers, oranges, lemons, limes or even grapefruit! You can even add a medley of berries. They add a surprising amount of flavor without any calories!
 Checking your urine is THE most accurate hydration indicator. Monitor the color. The more pale, the better. Strive for the color of lemon juice. Chronic dehydration is linked to UTIs, bladder cancer and kidney stones. Bottom line? Stay hydrated!
Also, about half the fluid we need can come from fruits and veggies! ...cucumbers, berries, greens, tomatoes, citrus, zucchini and, my favorite, watermelon : ) 
Does type of hydration matter? Only water? tea? Coffee?

Caffeine is only a mild diuretic, so coffee and tea can count. Don't opt for soda as a first choice though regardless if it’s regular or diet! Studies show drinking diet pop is associated with overweight and it contains acid not good for teeth. Good reasons to nix it!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

IU Dining now getting LOCAL TOMATOES from Hilltop Garden!

 Bloomington grown tomatoes will be available at Wright Food Court starting this week, made possible by Hilltop Garden and Nature Center! Load up on lycopene and enjoy the beautiful fruit of our local gardens.